Saturday, July 6, 2013

Concert Choir Tour Day Seventeen: The Day Before Day Eighteen (Part Two)


Sorry this is so late this morning.  It was a pretty fun night last night with lots to get in before bed.  When I last wrote, we were just about to look for a spot to eat our lunch.  We found a great little park in Missouri thanks to our GPS that had everything.  There was room for the boys to play some football.  There was a nice sheltered picnic area.  There was a great jungle-gym. And probably most importantly, there was a bathroom.  The boys had a chance to “be boys” and run around for a while since we were in no hurry. 

We received another matching grant this morning as well, this time for $500, bringing the total amount of matching dollars to $1,400 remaining.  We are quite a bit behind our goal of raising $1 for every mile of the tour.  If everyone that read this blog each night contributed $1 every time they read it, we would shatter our goal.  Almost 400 people a day are reading this!  If everyone that was following us just took 2 minutes and went to this link and gave just a couple dollars, we could help raise almost $3,000 much needed dollars for these boys.  You’ve seen the experience these boys are receiving.  Please help us continue it.

After lunch it was back onto the bus for a good rest period.  Even without a concert last night, I still wanted them to get some rest and relax.  Usually, we would let them have the day off from naps but I think the staff just needed the break as much as anything.  They have been very wound-up as we get closer to home and the hour or so we didn’t have to give constant reminders was nice.  We used the rest period to fuel the bus as well since we had the opportunity. 

The rest of the afternoon was very laid-back on the bus.  We played about 7-8 games of Bingo and gave out lots and lots of prizes.  Stewart got a BINGO in 5 numbers. (Okay, it was rigged.  We had some hat pins to giveaway yet and I told anyone that won they could give-out a hat pin to everyone on the bus as a prize so Stewart took that option).  We also watched about 3 more episodes of “How the States Got Their Shapes”. 

We arrived at the motel around 5:30 and got all the boys checked-in.  By 6:45 we were on our way to our dinner reservations at the nearby Cracker Barrel.  They weren’t quite ready for us yet so we let the boys that still had spending money left go shopping for a few minutes.  They seated us in the restaurant and we let the boys order pretty much any meal they wanted.  We like Cracker Barrels because we know the boys are going to get a good home-style meal that isn’t going to destroy our budget.

Back at the motel, it was straight to the swimming pool.  We didn’t stay in there real long because the chlorine was a bit strong.  That stuff will mess-up a singer’s system.  You might not know this but we have a pretty important concert coming-up tonight.  The boys understood.  I sent the younger boys up to get showered and asked the graduates to stay in the pool.  We have a big crop of them this year and I thought it was only right they had one last chance to dunk me in the pool, especially since they have never been able to do it.  They got close a few times, but they failed.  (They did get Stewart earlier in the night though.)

I also used this opportunity to chat with the graduates about what their favorite memories were from being with the Choirboys.  They had some good answers.  I won’t share them here because I want to encourage ya’ll to ask them about it when they get home.  They are a good group of boys that have done a lot of great service for this organization and audiences around the world. 

Around 10:15 we gathered the boys for a quick story before bed.  This has always been a tradition for Choirboys, but we don’t get to do it as much these days because of the higher rate of host home stays.  (Back in the day, we would bring sleeping bags along and often sleep in the basements of churches.  It wasn’t ideal, since there were no showers, but it was cheap.  This always provided us with a chance to get together for a story, something we just can’t do as much today.)  By far, the most popular story ever told by John was “The Crops, the weather, & the people…the things that were important.”  It’s been absolutely impossible to come-up with a story that compares to anything John ever told, but we keep trying.  He has such a gift for that kind of thing.  It’s an unwritten code that you don’t tell other staff members stories on tour either, so I had to start from scratch on a lot of our stories since the only stories Stewart or I were ever really told came from other Prefects.  J  #prefectproblems
We put the boys down for bed and ended another great day. 


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