Thursday, July 4, 2013

Concert Choir Tour Day Sixteen: "We're all working together; that's the secret." - Sam Walton


Happy Independence Day!  The boys had a great time today.  Let me tell you about it now.
This morning the boys were able to sleep in a little until 10:00am.  They met at the church and we wasted little time.  The first order of business was to get to the local country club so we could go swimming.  Obviously, the boys enjoyed that idea.  The drive was about 20 minutes so the boys asked for more “How the States Got Their Shapes”.  They love that show.

The boys were very warned yesterday that their journals would be checked before they were allowed in the pool.  Some of them decided to test that though, and I am sorry to mention that about four of them did not get in the pool today.  I feel like such a meanie…That cost be the “Staff Member of the Year Award” this morning on the bus.  Stewart won by a landslide.  He also won “Most Improved Staff Member of the Year” and “Most Musical Staff Member of the Year”.  A resounding victory, all tabulated by the auditing firm of Joey & Leibig.

The time in the pool was great, but on the shorter side of things.  The boys were most excited to have a pool that made it all the way to 8 feet deep.  They swam for a good hour before having an “All-American” lunch of hot dogs and apple pie.  Before we left for the day, we sang a few songs for the staff of the country club that had to work on the 4th of July, as well as the patrons that were in attendance.  By the third song, we had quite a nice little crowd.

The next stop was at a modern art museum in Bentonville called “Hotel 21”.  This had a number of modern pieces that some of the boys found very enjoyable.  Essentially a block away from this was the original “Walton 5 & 10” – the birthplace of Wal-Mart.  Obviously, as the largest company in the world they didn’t have much use for the old store other than a museum.  We brought the boys through to see the history and depth of the Wal-Mart company.  It is impressive what they were able to accomplish, but even more remarkable was the humility of Sam Walton.  The same old Ford pickup he drove to work each day and the cheesy Wal-Mart trucker hats he wore as his trademark were on display.  (In hindsight, I wish I would’ve picked one up from the gift store.)  He is an icon in the business world and a good man to emulate.  The boys really enjoyed the museum and spent as much time as they could going around to the interactive exhibits, including Sam’s actual office encased in glass.

The next stop was “Crystal Bridges”, which was essentially a personal art museum for Alice Walton.  It’s amazing and features so many incredible pieces of work.  We saw everything from some of the original works of George Washington all the way to works by Norman Rockwell and even Andy Warhol.  One of the first paintings we saw when we walked in was about 400 years old and was sold to Alice Walton for the minimal sum of $31,000,000.  Needless to say, I was fairly anxious bringing 28 boys through this exhibit.

On the way back to the church, Bill Plante (Mary Jo’s brother) wanted to bring us by a Chapel constructed by one of the original settlers of Bella Vista.  This chapel constructed almost entirely of steel and glass was described by one of the boys as “a big bird house”.  I could see that.  It was located on a hill in the middle of the woods.  Nobody was staffing it and the doors had no locks.  It was about as much of a community building as you could ever find.  We walked right in a made ourselves at home.  We took the time to take some photos and sang a little song to share with everyone in honor of Independence Day.  You can listen to it here.  It was a great stop to end the day.

We finished-up our episode of “How the States Got Their Shapes” on the way back to the church where all of our host families were waiting for us promptly at 5:00pm.  Many of them were attending fireworks again tonight, although I know a number of them had other activities planned like Mini Golf and ice cream.  I imagine they will be having fun and should all be headed to bed fairly soon, around 9:45 tonight.

Tomorrow is fairly early start at 8:00am.  It’s onto Clive, Iowa.  I have a TON of questions for the boys and will answer as many of them as I can during our drive, but conserving battery power seems to be an issue on these longer bus trips (380 miles).  Anyone want to sponsor tomorrow’s journey?  We have a matching grant that was generously offered for the next $1,000 donated to this cause.

Until tomorrow,


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