Sunday, June 23, 2013

Concert Choir Tour Day Five: It's only day five? (Part Two)


The boys are all settled in their host homes for the night and the staff discovered a new level of “nice” when it comes to Best Westerns.  Did you know there is a level beyond “Best Western Plus”?  It’s called “Premiere”, and the best part is it is cheaper than the regular ones!  I’m hooked…

This afternoon’s drive went well, but it took just a little longer than we had first anticipated.  We’ve been pushing the bus pretty hard the past few days so we wanted to go easy on the old girl.  She does have more than three-quarters of a million miles on her.  Rodney knows when to let up on the reins, so that is what we did.   The timing was no problem though, because we didn’t have plans right away when we got there anyways.  The AC did pretty well on the drive with the temperatures in the upper 90’s with lots of sun.
College Station is the home of Aaron’s parents.  When we arrived, a wonderful fajita dinner awaited us.  The boys filled-up pretty good on the wonderful chicken and beef selections.  The peach dessert was well represented in the boy’s stomachs as well.

The plan tonight was to give a workshop for some children in the congregation.  About 15-20 children showed-up and participated in a workshop led by Aaron and supported by the rest of the boys.  I wasn’t able to hang-out in there much, but it looked from all accounts that it went very well.  I was there to see young Mr. Eli lose a tooth.  Following the workshop, the boys were introduced to their host homes and disappeared into the night.  The boys get to sleep in a little in the morning, as they don’t need to be to the church until 9:30am.
Tomorrow is a semi-free day, with a BBQ/pool party at the Carpenter home.  They live in close proximity to a good park too, so we hope to get the boys over there for a while to run around.  It’s good to have a day to catch-up on rest, clean the bus, relax and get some laundry done.  We do have a full concert tomorrow night so a rest period will be in the plans for sure.  I’ll try to get a good amount of pictures home for ya’ll since there is something to take a picture of, other than the inside of a bus.  (Thought I was going to get some outside pictures today but the camera was sitting on the AC vent for the ride and when it got outside it fogged-up big time.  J)

Until tomorrow,


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