Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Concert Choir Tour - Day 1


Probably going to be a short blog post tonight so I will apologize in advance.  We're all a bit tired, but things went very well today and the boys were all in pretty good spirits.  Thank you to everyone for helping to get us on the road on time and so far to our knowledge, with 99.9% of everything we needed.

So after the pictures and potty breaks at the building, we hugged our mamas and boarded the bus for the great state of Iowa.  This entire day went very smooth.  This is a great, fairly mellow, group of boys and I am expecting big things from them.  We changed them into their play clothes before we hit Rogers and let them chill-out with some free time all the way to Owatonna.  At the rest stop, we swung in and ate lunch then boarded the bus to continue our trip.  The boys had a rest period for a strong hour and then it was back to some free time.  I played the School House Rock video called "Earth" - quite disappointing.

We entered Iowa and Aaron explained the strange laws of Iowa while I sung a rendition of the Iowa state song for the boys, along with telling them many of the state facts about Iowa.  Before we knew it, we were in  Aaron's hometown of LeMars and preparing to sing in the beautiful St. Joseph's Catholic Church, which only opened this past October.  An amazing space and the boys were quite excited to sing in it.

The concert preparation went very smooth and the boys worked through their concert jobs for the first time. They also prepared very well with their focus and pre-concert routine.  The concert itself went very well and was well attended. We have a little work to do on the post-concert routine, but I am pleased with where we are at for Day One.  After a few cookies, the boys met their host families and made their way home for the night.

A very routine, smooth Day One.


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