Friday, June 21, 2013

Concert Choir Tour – Day 3: The Unexpected State We Found Ourselves In (Part Deuce)


When we last left our sweater-vested heroes, they were eating lunch at a rest stop south of Council Bluffs.  I wanted to get this picture of Sam delivering his daily report in the blog but I was having issues with the connection and couldn’t get it uploaded.  It’s incredible to think it’s already his fourth tour. 

Time flies.

We took a rest period after lunch like we typically do.  We have continued a new deal that we started last year by allowing the boys to have MP3 players during rest period.  It’s worked pretty awesomely for us and we intend to continue it indefinitely.  The boys also seem to really appreciate the option.  The old adage does apply though:  If you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk. They enjoy pushing the limits the best they can, but then again, they are boys.

We made some good distance up today, about 340 miles.  (360+ is expected Saturday).  When the boys woke-up from rest period, I threw an A&E Biography about Davy Crockett on the TV’s.  With the Alamo coming-up soon, I figured we need to get them up to speed as much as possible.  Davy was a pretty cool dude.  I foresee the boys buying several coonskin caps while we are there.

The bus started creeping up towards that 80 degree mark for the drive with the external temps in the mid 90’s.  There is really no way around it – it’s going to be a little warm on the bus in sunlight and temperatures like this.

We made it to Kansas City a few minutes early and that was good, because it took us those extra 12 minutes to figure-out how to get into the parking lot of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed church we were singing in.  It was very unique and wonderful church.  There were very few straight walls in the building and the ceilings were very low.  It sort of looked like an adobe structure, crossed with something you might find on an episode of “The Flintstones”.  It was very cool and they boys enjoyed singing in the space.

Our hosts for the evening were none other than The Kansas City Boys Choir under the direction of Ah-li Robinson.  They sure know how to host a choir!  In addition to the space they provided for us to sing in, they provided a full spread of Kansas City BBQ for the boys to enjoy.  It was great and the boys kept eating and eating and eating.  I don’t think there was a single boy that didn’t have at least a full plate, if not more.  Pretty sure most of the boys had another plates worth on their face by the end of the meal.  See Arteom (Exhibit A).

Following warm-ups, we shared the concert with the KSBC.  They sang about six spirited pieces to open the concert.  They are a bit older than us, with largely TTB arrangements and a little more movement in their pieces.  It was very good and more importantly, it was great for our boys to experience another boy choir that doesn’t do things like we do.  The brotherhood of boys choirs is a great group and we are happy to have made another connection today.  There is a very good chance they will come our way October, so I hope we can reciprocate their kindness with a full spread of lutefisk and lefse.

Following the concert the boys completed their jobs and met their host homes for the night.  We knew ahead of time that there was only housing for 20 of the 28 boys, so we arranged to have 2 rooms at the hotel.  From time-to-time when we have the chance we like to “reward” the older boys with a night away from some of the younger boys.  It generally helps us build report with them and goes a long ways towards establishing them as leaders in the choir. This was that opportunity.
We also said our goodbyes to Taylor who was ending his tour with us here in Kansas City due to commitments with his other job.  It’s been great to watch him grow into this program and take on the expanded roles.  I couldn’t imagine a better fit with an incoming director than we have found with both he (and Corrine) over the past 18 months.  He is great with the boys, a wonderful addition to the artistic staff, and a genuinely great person to bring into the fold. The tour will have a small hole in it tomorrow when he is not on the bus with us, but the tour goes on.

Since our hotel was only 4 blocks away from the church, I brought those 8 boys with me to the Office Depot right by our motel so we could buy some replacement ink for the printer.  Boys are weird.  I think these boys had as much fun going through this Office Depot as they will at some of the actual planned attractions later on the tour.  While we waited for the bus to arrive with our luggage, we hung-out in the parking lot and watched the lightening bugs play around.  I didn’t teach them how to rip their tails off and become a giant glow-worm, but the thought did cross my mind.
Once the bus arrived, they brought their luggage up to their rooms and I ran to the convenience store to pick-up some Chaco Tacos to finish the night off right.  They hit the hay by about 10:15 and here I sit, writing to you all.

It was another great day.  Tomorrow is off to Oklahoma City and the AAA Baseball game with all the boys in the motel.  Pretty sure there is a swimming pool, so I better make sure Stewart gets some good rest.

Until tomorrow,


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