Monday, June 24, 2013

Concert Choir Day Six: Why do the boys keep calling me Baz Luhrmann?

Aloha from very sunny College Station, Texas!

The boys are on stage singing their concert so I finally have a free minute to break-away and begin this blog post.  It’s been a busy day.  For those of you keeping track at home, the term “free day” means absolutely anything but that for the staff.  Apparently, boys are not that good at supervising themselves.

This was a tough morning.  In addition to having numerous fine amenities, the Best Western had amazing beds to rest in.  Our two Mr. Carpenter’s and a Mr. Goepferd did not have that luxury however as they were up by 4:45 am in order to make it on the KBTX Channel 5 news broadcast this morning.  To help promote this evening’s concert, they were asked to go on television and give it some publicity.  They did great.  You can watch the interview in its entirety here:

The rest of us got to sleep in and arrive at the church at a peaceful 9:30am.  We didn't waste much time and headed straight to the Carpenter residence for some relaxation and “scheduled mandatory fun”.  We knew it was going to be a scorcher today with highs again in the upper 90’s and plenty of sunshine so we didn't even bother with uniforms.  It was play clothes all day.  It also gave us the opportunity to have our host families assist us with the critical task of laundry.  To go with the play clothes was a massive supply of sunscreen and bottled water.

We wanted to get them in the pool for an extended period today, but we kind of wanted to trick them into thinking they were there longer than they were at the same time.  With sunshine like this, their little bodies would sizzle in this sunshine, particularly since we Minnesotans don’t get nearly this much sunshine and especially not this year with all the rain we've been having.  To help with the trickery, we put them in the shaded porch and held the first round of Choirboy of the Year voting.  This is the nomination round, where each boy is instructed to vote for the boy they feel absolutely personifies what it means to be a Choirboy and represents us well at all times.  The battle for this title is fierce every year and is something the boys do not take lightly.  I will have to share the nominees tomorrow since the list is in the wash with my shorts at the moment.   #prefectfail

Once nominations were complete, the boys changed and bombarded themselves with sunscreen.  That was the theme of the day, for sure.  “Drink water and wear sunscreen”.  I felt like I was a gunslinger in the Wild Wild West the way I was firing those spray cans around, one in each hand.  To the best of our knowledge we got to everyone.  Time would tell if we missed any of them…

The boys swam most of the morning away, with a few breaks thrown in there to get them in the shade for a while.  The sun was very hot, but the water was a refreshing change of pace from a warm bus.  The Carpenters have a wonderful home with a pool and a large deck for the grilling that was going to take place for lunch.  A Prefect is never comfortable bringing 28 boys to a residence.  (Think bull in a China shop).  We had a few minor mishaps throughout the day, but thankfully it was nothing major. For the most part, the boys did well.  (We are still working on organization and cleanliness.   For all the good things this choir has going for it, picking-up after themselves and being organized is not our forte.  You can easily see which boys are being introduced to this concept for the first time and after six days it is beginning to get frustrating with some of them…but we will get there.)

Before lunch, we split the boys up so the ones that wanted a stomping in basketball could get it.  Stewart and I took on six of the older boys that wanted to play.  We almost had to call the authorities because it was such a thumping, but they kept smiling and having fun, so we didn’t.  It was nice to get on the court for a while and I think they had a great time as well.
Lunch was a BBQ-style spread with chips and delicious burgers and brats.  I thought Rodney was going to fall in love with his brat.  He enjoyed it very much.  You can tell when the boys enjoy their meal because they get very quiet.  They were very quiet and only made noise when they were going back for seconds.  After lunch, we relaxed a little bit to let our food settle.  The boys clamored for a duel in the pool between Stewart and I, and to keep them in the shade for a few minutes longer, we agreed.  It was fairly scripted however, with each of us winning alternate bouts until Stewart emerged victorious in sudden-death.  (I let the kid have this one…)

We applied another coat of sunscreen and jumped back in the pool for about 25 more minutes.  Rodney was very impressed with Sam's "Harlem Shake" at the AAA baseball game but we told him it was nothing compared to his worm.  This is Sam "mid-worm".  (Rodney still thought the Harlem Shake was better though.)  After drying-off and getting changed, Mrs. Carpenter presented each boy with a Texas A&M “Aggies” pen.  It was very thoughtful.  The boys had a wonderful time that they will likely remember for a long time and we owe it all to them.  Thank you, Conrad and Connie.

The boys were pretty tired at this point and none of them put up a fuss when it was time for rest period back at the church.  We planned on this being a long one too, probably close to two hours.  We pumped more fluids in them and spread them out in two Sunday school rooms.  The majority of them conked-out right away and slept the entire time.  They were tired!

Just before dinner at 5:00pm, we got them-up.  During rest period, Rodney and I ran up to the local truck stop to fuel the bus.  I dropped him off at the motel so he could rest the remainder of the afternoon and drove the bus back to the church which was only a few miles away.  No sense in Rodney hanging-out in the heat with the bus today.  On the way back, I stopped at Target and picked-up some soothing Aloe Vera spray for some of the boys that got a little more sun than they planned.  (Okay, I picked it up for myself, but I assumed there were others that could feel the sting of summer their skin.)  Vaseline makes a pretty sweet product if you ever need it.  I am now a fan.  When we woke the boys up, we sprayed any of them that wanted it.  None of them were too reddened, but you could tell they had been in the sun for a good amount of time today.  Some of the boys got a chuckle out of two of the boys’ backs where you could see they didn’t properly apply the sunscreen and very distinct spray patterns were visible. 

Dinner was again awesome.  (We have eaten very well in College Station.)  A Philly Cheese steak buffet was set-up and the boys got to create their own sandwiches. Our first mandatory salad of the tour happened as well without any complaining to my knowledge.  Some of the boys wanted seconds on salad, but I figured-out they were putting whipped cream on it.  I let it happen, as long as they ate it, which they did.  Weird boys…

Warm-ups and the pre-concert routine were a little rough given how tired they boys were, but they pulled it together in time to perform a very good show.  I hope to have the time to get some video posted in the coming days for you to watch.  The boys enjoyed a snack then made their way to their host homes for the evening.

Tomorrow is another big day with the Johnson Space Center in Houston and our being hosted by the Houston Boys Choir.  Should be a great day! 


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